
So apparently making a cooking video takes a lot more time than a devotional video. With editing and everything, the video will not be out until tomorrow. However, I wanted to allow you the time to get the items you would need for the Passover. So here are the recipes today and the cooking video will be up early tomorrow!

Elements of the Sedar

Ingredients needed: Sweet Red Wine (or grape Juice), Apples, Walnuts (or Pecans), Cinnamon, Kosher honey (regular will work as well), Sugar, Kosher Salt, Flour, Olive Oil, Romaine lettuce, Horseradish, 1 Egg, an onion (or shallot).

You can also have a lamb bone on your seder plate or this bone can be excluded (as the temple was destroyed).

There is also a time for eating a meal during the Passover. A good meal is spaghetti.

Haroset (Apple mixture)-best to prepare on the day of the Passover feast

3 Apples, 1/2 cup Walnuts (or pecans), 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon sugar, 1 3/4 teaspoons honey, and 1/8 cup Sweet Red wine (or grape juice).

1. Peel, core, and roughly chop the apples

2. Chop the Nuts (walnut or pecan) until finely chopped

3. Wisk together the Cinnamon and Sugar

4. Sprinkle the cinna-sugar combo over the apples and walnuts

4b. Mix together by hand

5. Stir in the honey and sweet red wine

Once the mixture is combined you should have a paste-like substance. Refrigerate or serve immediately!

Matzoh Bread-Regular bread is yeasted and this bread should not be. Get ready for a fun challenge!

4 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour (plus a bit for rolling), 1 Teaspoon Kosher Salt (plus some for sprinkling), 2 Tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil, 1 Tablespoon Honey, 3/4 cup warm water (plus 1/2 for later)

-The matzoh recipe includes a specific time constraint which makes making true Matzoh bread very difficult. In Jewish tradition, in order to guarantee that it has not yeasted at all, you must finish the recipe in 18 minutes or less. The Cook time itself is only 30-90 seconds which leaves you about 16 minutes to combine all the ingredients, form the dough, roll it out, prepare it and get it in the oven. It may take a few tries to get the proper constraint if you want to follow the Jewish tradition to the T. If not then prepare the matzoh at your leisure.

1. Preheat your oven to 500 F (260 C). If you have a pizza stone place it on the bottom rack, if not a regular baking sheet will work. Place this in the over to preheat the rack.

2. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together using the 3/4 cup warm water. It is best to mix this together by hand or with a wooden instrument. if the dough seems dry (there is still some flour showing) add a little bit of water.

3. Divide the dough into 8 roughly similar sized pieces. Roll the dough out into 1/2 inch thickness dough pieces. Repeat with all 8 pieces. The thinner is normally better.

4. If you wish for your bread to look really nice fashion these pieces into rectangles or squares and trim off the extra dough.

5. Use a fork and pierce the dough multiple times.

6. Brush the dough with water and sprinkle salt over the dough.

7. Carefully put the dough unto the preheated baking rack (please do not burn yourself!)

8. Cook the Matzoh for 30-50 seconds before flipping with tongs and cooking for another 15-30 seconds. It should be slightly blistered and golden brown!

Everything else goes onto the plate as separate items and do not need to be prepared. Be watching for the cooking video coming out tomorrow! I will go through Both of the recipes in detail and share some of the history behind the tradition of cooking these items as well as some of the details of the Passover I cannot go over during the Livestream. I hope that you all are able to join Sarah and me for the Passover this Friday at 7 PM here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJaCFA6HRIkrmL7WwkG0cBA?view_as=subscriber